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We have more than 4861 best russian girls in out database

Put your best photos to your profile. Do not forget that the better your photos are th more women will pay attention to your profile.

Without bright, interesting photos you will be noticed by a very few women. Though one would like to ignore this fact but result of Internet-dating depends on good photos. Live, cheerful shots from real life will show a part of your character to women.

We do not sell your contact data. You are just communicating with the women in a safe way and searching for your destiny. We do not pay anybody for writing letters. We have real people on the site who search for serious relationships!

If you decided to search for a wife abroad then our international dating site is for you. Thousands of women want to create family with a foreigner. Everybody wants to be happy. Mutual love will definitely bring you happy emotions. Register on our free international dating site and feel joy of communication.

Our 10 ways to meet yor love

  • Many men are asking where and how they can meet a woman to create a family? In response to this we will ask also "Have you already registered on the dating site?"
  • Register on the site.
  • Registration is very simple, you should just choose login and password, fill in the necessary fields and upload several photos of good quality.
  • After registration you will be able to write letters to women. Be active and be the first to start communication. Women like initiative men.
  • You can use Searc page on the site and choose women who are corresponding to yuor criteria.
  • If you do not know how to start conversation you can choose an appropriate phrase from the list of icebreaks - short standard phrases.
  • Use the vast catalogue of postcards for different occasions and dates to express your emotions brighter.
  • You can present a bunch of flowers to strike a woman and to evoke a wave of emotions. Our delivery service will offer a wonderful choice of flowers.
  • Conversation is the only way to know the person closer. Try to be sociable. Be interested in emotions and events in life of your interlocutor. Such dialogues make people closer.
  • Do not forget to congratulate your interlocutor on holidays. There is a good saying "People prefer to stay there where people care about and remember about them".
  • If you are too much serious in communication it can make a dialogue boring and leave a negative impression. Be a bit funny in communication with a woman. Cheerful, caring people are always easy in communication.

Tips for men

  •  Do not try to get as many contacts as you can. Better to find normal, real contacts.
  •  Compliment her taste of music or movies, such step works very good: “ I would be very interested to know your mind about [name of movie], I meet the girl who likes it first time in my life (I found out about it from your profile)”.
  •  You can talk about drinks or food that both of you like. You can talk about your job, career, about hobby. Talk about your friends.
  •  Put a good portion of humor in your attitude to everything. Make jokes if it is proper time for joke. Do not become boring.

"If You Like Me?" game

Start playing popular game on our site. Matches in the game mean mutual attractio between you and women whom you like. It is a new and unusual way of communication! details..

Online translator

You do not speak foreign languages? On initial stage of communication free online translator will help you, it is located in mailbox of every user. Your communication will always be easy with your help!details..

Red hearts below photos

Red hearts below main photos of users mean your psychological compatibility with women (the system of the site is programmed this way). If you see all red hearts below photo of a woman it means good compatibility, pink ones mean an average compatibility, violet ones - bad compatibility. details..

Beautiful women are waiting for their men!!!

Where one can find a partner in Internet? What dating sites function better?

These and other questions men keep asking to themselves. Look at the statistics of the marriages on our site and you will see how many people found their happiness! Statistics of marriages on our site: 2-4 weddings a day in AUTUMN, in WINTER somewhat less - 4 weddings a week, in SPRING 4-8 weddings a week. The main quantity of weddings we have since the end of August till the end of October. Maybe the next wedding will be yours! People around you are dating, getting acquainted, create families and become happy parents. Do not waste your time and go ahead your happiness! Our girls are waiting for you here!

Contact us now!

Planning of your wedding with Russian, Ukrainian bride.

If you fell in love with a woman from Russia or Ukraine it means that you are a lucky man!

The Slavonic women are considered to be the best for creation of family.

They are always loyal and oriented on husband and children.

Feministic ideas are strange and non-acceptable for many of them.

When you decide to get married it is important to plan in advance how your wedding should be like and where you will celebrate it.

Decide with your woman in which country you both want to celebrate your wedding. In your country or in motherland of your fiancee?

Remember that ceremonies of Slavonic weddings have a lot of differences from Western ceremonies.

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